Saturday 21 July 2012

Kenyah People

Hi Everyone..
How your day? Good or something wrong? Lets forget about that first.Life must go on dear! So, I want share about Kenyah Culture. Do you ever heard of Kenyah people from Sarawak, Malaysia? I think maybe most of people don't recongnize us. But if you recognize Kenyah people, Congratulations!!So, first of all  I am pure Kenyah people, that why i naming my blog as KenyahSoul because i feel i need to protect my culture. Okay, lets started your journey with KenyahSoul.What your first think about Kenyah? 
Pic1: Kenyah lady [ Taken from .]
Yes, you are right.This is our look in old day. Nowadays, we do not look like this anymore.Just like me, i don't have long ears. I know you curious, why long ear? For our culture, the longer our ears, the prettiest the girl will be..But, i cannot have long ears in modern day.But, i my opinion this long ears show little girl obedient to their parents and they are really tough girl and patient girl. Its really take time for this you know.
Actually, i not really know about our history because my parent seldom told me about our stories, so i ask Miss Google.So guess what i found :
"The Kenyah people are an indigenous, Austronesian-speaking people of Borneo, living in the remote Baram (Lio Mato, Long Selaan, Long Moh, Long Mekaba, Long Jeeh,Long Belaong, Long San, Long Silat, Long Tungan, etc.), Data Kakus(my village), Data Surau, Sg. Senep, Long Dungan, Long Busang, Long Beyak, Bintulu, Miri, Sungai ASAP, Long Bulan, Long Jawe and Belaga regions in Sarawak, Malaysia and the remote Apau Kayan, Bahau (Bau), Benua Lama & Baru and Mahakam regions in East Kalimantan,Indonesia.
Kenyah people are divided into various tribes including the Uma Bakah, Lepo Anan, Lepo Tau, Lepu Jalan, Lepo' Tepu, Uma Kelap, Badeng (Jamok, Lepo Aga'), Bakung, Kayan, Penan, Lepu Kulit, Uma Alim, Uma Timai, Uma Lasan, Lepo Ma-ot, Sambop, Lepo Ke', Lepo Ngao, Ngurek, Kiput, Long Ulai, Long Tikan, Long Sabatu, Lepo Ga, Lepo Dikan, and Lepo Pua" .[ ].
Okay stay tuned next time, i will show what so interesting about KenyahSoul.
Have a good day!

My Culture, My Soul

Hi everyone..
Since i open my blog, i never share something that related to my culture. So, today i want to share what a beautiful things for KenyahSoul. Have you guy see what things below? For KenyahSoul, this is one of our pride.
This called : Belanyat

Friday 20 July 2012

One little things called LOVE

Hi everyone...
Today is saturday again...I think everyone love weekend right? Why we love weekend? Everyone should know the reason, for me i like saturday because i can lied on my bed until mid day (kihkih..this really bad habit of mine), sleep tightly after 5 days of tired day. But, lately i feel something wrong with my weekend, its become another lonely weekend day for me. I always think like that every time weekend come. Actually, i'm not welcome weekend in my life already. Lately, i feel my life is something wrong. Actually, i'm not really know what going on in my life. I also make big decision in my life, i decided to broke up with my boyfriend for 4 years. I actually depressed with my relationship, not because he is bad guy or do something bad happen to me but i feel we have a lot differences and i really not feel confident with myself to change to be someone that forget my culture, maybe i will not forget it but eventually i will forget it. I am KenyahSoul for sure..hehe. I still love him no matter what, he is very kind guy. Maybe you guy curious who this guy right? Okay, i let you guys see who the guy that in my heart for 4 years.

Yes, you are right! We look happy together. I am happy with him but i need to face the reality, i feel i am not belongs to him and every time i cannot communicate with his family and friends. I feel small every time i step in his world. I am just a Kenyah girl from countryside, i know big dream is good but i don't want dream big of partner of my life. I want someone that good as him and love God more as me. My advice for little pretty teen out there, when you start feeling that you should have boyfriend, be careful with choice, don't make your life so complicated! Keep praying and its good to think too much in the beginning so you will not hurt anyone. To Edward Lai ( his name), i am really sorry for making this hard for you and i am sorry for wasting your 4 years. God will bless you and you will be happy without me. If you are my destiny, we will meet up in unexpected ways. God bless you always.
Good day everyone!! I want let my tears come out for my sad love story...but i'm ok.

Saturday 14 July 2012

My favorite things..

Hi there,
Recently i fall in love with something new..guess what?? I fall in love with K-indie song and i love sky and beach pictures. These 3 little things really make me happy. You know what when you become a working lady, this will really happen to you. But, hopefully not goin to happen to you.. For me, i love this kind of life..haha, just kidding. Nobody want to be lonely on weekend right?

Friday 13 July 2012

dream on and dream big!

Hi there,
I know everyone like to dream. When we're small, we already dream what we going to be when we growing up! Now, we're at the state that we dream before but some of our dreams didn't come sad! But be optimistic. maybe that dream is not good enough for you. As for me Kenyah girl, i always dream to become someone that extraordinary than all my friends. I really work hard on my dream when i in secondary 3, i about to take a PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) exam, for me that time, PMR is my guidance where i will be after that. My result quite good and i changed my school to Technical school and i studied Civil Engineering. Start from that, i thinking to be an engineer because for me that time, engineer position will be change my life but at that time also i'm think to take Fashion Design course but too bad, i'm not creative enough and engineering field is my destiny. Thanks God! Now, when i looked back, i really Dream On and Dream Big kind of girl. If i'm such a girl that think I cant do that because I'm Kenyah, i'm minority ethnics.. I'm not here, i'm not saying i'm good enough already but I still continue dream BIG and dare to dream big!

Keep on Dream Big and make you dream come true, don't give just because it's become tough, KenyahSouls!

I also want to share something that very precious to me, jeng jeng!!!

I love sky the most..Beautiful!